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barb elgin, lcsw-c (coachsappho)

you've done it again, pat! i know this blog is sitting here did you think, gathering some dust? perhaps - but i think that's because you've always been a soul 'ahead of the times' and, this time is no exception.

if u didn't know (and if you didn't it's my fault because i haven't called to tell u!), i've been focusing fully on the issue of relationships. in fact, i've devoted all of 2006 to finding out how best to reach and serve single men and women who want to find the love of their life.

last year i joined David Steele's Relationship Coaching Institute and have never looked back.

relationships have always been a fascinating mystery to me!!! and to Sappho too!!! i thought it was time for me to throw my hat in the ring and see how i could make a difference.

be sure to stop by 'coach sappho' and take a look at what's new and, if u like what u see, pass it on to anyone you think might benefit. and if you want to do something together about this relationship-thing, as coaches, that is!, let me know!!! :-)

xoxoxox, barb

Pat Gundry

Thanks, Barb. I have let the blog sit for awhile, and now am back at it. I'll be sure to visit your blog too.

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